A need to know about selling your business

A need to know about selling your business

Today’s podcast is about A need to know about Selling your Business.  For many of us selling our business at some point in the future could be us cashing in our pension scheme. It may be a way that we can set up while we’re at the top, move on for other...
Buying your car through your business

Buying your car through your business

This week’s episode of, I hate numbers is talking about Buying your car through your business. Check out last week’s episode where we talked about saving tax with company benefits. tax-free and trivial benefits What is a company car? This is a car bought...
What do accountants do ?

What do accountants do ?

In this weeks episode of “I hate numbers” my topic is ‘What do accountants do’? Five headline things that accountants do, spoiler alert, money features amongst that. Making money Making money is a big business goal, if you want to move from hobby business to something...