Why financial planning is wonderful

Why financial planning is wonderful

    It’s no secret that I know that financial planning is wonderful.  Successful businesses require effective financial planning. But did you know that there are several other benefits to financial planning as well? In this podcast I’ll look at...
Financial planning and mental health

Financial planning and mental health

Financial planning and mental health, there’s a link and it’s a positive one. In this video, I look at three reasons why financial planning is good for your mental health. When you have a plan and know where your money is going, it gives you a sense of control and...
Understanding and using break even

Understanding and using break even

    If you want to stay afloat in your business, understand break even and how it can help. Every industry needs this key number for different reasons but regardless of what kind of company or size you are you should have a grasp on these fundamentals!...
How your business deals with a recession

How your business deals with a recession

    A recession is a difficult time for any business, so knowing How your business deals with a recession is a vital part of your toolkit, It may be that your customers may have less money to spend, you may have to let staff go, and your bottom line may be...