Jan 5, 2020 | Accountancy, Business Success
Make money: Take charge of your numbers Make money: Take charge of your numbers sounds like obvious advice. Above all, there’s an immediate problem, and that is numbers scare people. Your school Maths teacher may have been responsible. To clarify, numbers can...
Nov 18, 2019 | Accountancy, Money, Self Assessment, Services, Tax, Tax Advice
Firstly, Personal Tax return season (Self Assessment) 2019-20 finishes on 31st January 2021. Secondly, you may have done yours, so relax, but if you’ve not read on. I’ll start by looking at the first steps and then proceed from there. Some important...
Oct 13, 2019 | Budgeting, Business performance, Business Start Up Growth, Business Success, Money
Budgets: Setting Targets Budgeting involves setting targets. Clear targets motivate people to high performance levels. Budgets are your stories of tomorrow. They show choices, aims and objectives. Targets are typically shown in terms of money, i.e. income, costs and...