Your business cash story

Your business cash story

Firstly, your business cash story is a big deal.  Secondly, it’s a big deal for business continuity, survival, and  growth.  This requires cash. Profits are what it’s ultimately about, but cash makes sure you get to do it. Sales are vanity, profits are sanity, cash is...
Knowing your costs makes you money

Knowing your costs makes you money

Welcome to today’s episode of I Hate Numbers.   Knowing your costs makes you money, a statement of the obvious perhaps.  Certainly with statements of the obvious we sometimes forget business basics. In this podcast episode I am going to take a real cool way to look at...
Knowing your costs makes you money

The importance of profit

Welcome to another weekly episode of ‘I Hate Numbers’ where we look at The importance of profit, as well as what it is.  The ‘I Hate Numbers’ podcast wants you to get acquainted with your best business friend.  The friend that won’t lie to you, the friend...
Knowing your costs makes you money

Creating your cash future

Creating your cash future, the theme of today’s episode of I Hate Numbers.   Firstly when you are in the eye of a financial storm what’s the one major thing that’s going to get your business through it?  That one thing, that protection, comfort blanket, and financial...
Knowing your costs makes you money

The language of accounting

Welcome to today’s episode of I Hate Numbers, talking about The language of accounting.   Today we’re going to have a peek at some of the language that Accounts, and Finance people use.  It can be an alien language if you are a stranger in the Number’s world.  I am...