Value Added Tax and your business
VAT or Value Added Tax is this week topic of I Hate Numbers. In the UK alone VAT raises £136.6 billion. This is approximately £4,800 for each household, 17% of the total UK tax take. The majority of countries have VAT or sales taxes, so VAT is a big deal. In this...
What’s it like being self employed?
What’s it like being self employed? The reality, not the fiction. If you’re thinking of taking the plunge then have a real good think about it! When you are self employed you will at times feel like you’re spinning hundreds of plates on sticks. It can be really...
Personal & Lifestyle Risks of Self-Employment
The Risks of Self-Employment is sometimes ignored. Freedom is something that everyone looks forward to when self-employed. More time for yourself, live life on your own terms. However, just like the business and financial risks, there are personal and lifestyle risks...