May 24, 2020 | Business Success, Business Support
These are tricky times indeed. Although some businesses and sectors are thriving during the coronavirus pandemic, many small businesses and SMEs will be finding operating during the cornavirus pandemic very difficult, with cash being strapped, clients stopping work,...
May 17, 2020 | Business Success, Business Support, Money
Nearly half of the UK workforce are now working from home, and for many, it’s a new experience. Far from being an opportunity to relax in front of the television and send a few emails, it actually brings its own challenges. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic and social...
Apr 27, 2020 | Business Start Up Growth, Business Success, Business Support, Money
The first Coronavirus furlough grant claim portal went live on Monday 20 April 2020. What does that mean for your business. Well, it means that if you have furloughed staff, you can claim that much needed grant money. We have submitted Furlough claims for all our...
Mar 23, 2020 | Furloughing, Money
Covid 19 financial support update, above all it’s vital to know if you run a business, whatever shape or form that is. Most importantly, look at your numbers. Certainly numbers are your business best friend; they won’t lie to you. Do your cash flow first, this...