Jan 12, 2020 | Accountancy, Bookkeeping and Payroll, Cloud accounting Business growth, Xero
Bookkeeping: Number collection follows on from our last blog post- Loving numbers. Previously we talked about loving numbers and why they need love. Today, we want to talk to you why and how you collect those numbers, those ‘words’ to tell your business...
Dec 15, 2019 | Accountancy, Cloud Accounting, Money, Training, Xero
Xero: Two-step authentication Cloud Accounting security: What you need to know Xero: Two-step authentication is vital. Cybercriminals are cunning creatures. Phishing emails and other scams are used to try and get users’ login credentials and gain access to sensitive...
Oct 27, 2019 | Accountancy, Cloud accounting Business growth, Xero
Xero is a powerful Business Information System, and not just a record keeping system. Every business, however big or small you are, should know some essential things about their business. Xero is a Cloud Accounting system, it is our platform of choice, not...
Oct 20, 2019 | Bookkeeping and Payroll, Business performance, Business Success, Cloud Accounting, Cloud accounting Business growth, Money, Xero
First of all Record Keeping in The Cloud deals with a business task neglected and disliked by many. Similarly Cloud accounting does the power lifting of record keeping. Furthermore it saves time, money, and gets businesses to connect to. Hence letting you take charge...