Make money

Make money

Make money: Take charge of your numbers Make money: Take charge of your numbers sounds like obvious advice. Above all, there’s an immediate problem, and that is numbers scare people. Your school Maths teacher may have been responsible.  To clarify, numbers can...
Healthy Business, Healthy You

Healthy Business, Healthy You

Having a healthy business is like having a healthy you A healthy business is what we all strive for. This blog will outline a five point approach for getting and improving business health, and how the approach has a lot in common with getting and improving personal...
Manage What You Measure

Manage What You Measure

Take charge of your numbers What gets measured, gets managed. This phrase was coined by Peter Druker, the ‘father of modern management’, way back in the early 1950s. We still refer to him all these years later. It becomes challenging to know how your business is...