Value Added Tax and your business

Value Added Tax and your business

VAT or Value Added Tax is this week topic of I Hate Numbers.  In the UK alone VAT raises £136.6 billion.  This is approximately £4,800 for each household, 17% of the total UK tax take. The majority of countries have VAT or sales taxes, so VAT is a big deal. In this...
Value Added Tax and your business

Personal & Lifestyle Risks of Self-Employment

The Risks of Self-Employment is sometimes ignored. Freedom is something that everyone looks forward to when self-employed.  More time for yourself, live life on your own terms. However, just like the business and financial risks, there are personal and lifestyle risks...
Value Added Tax and your business

Risks of Self-Employment

Being your own boss has a good ring to it, but there are Risks of self-employment. Making that transition to being self-employed is what millions dream about.  It’s filled with excitement, nerves, and a whole host of other emotions. I still remember clearly...
Value Added Tax and your business

The MCP approach to business growth

The MCP approach to business growth is a great philosophy.  What’s your business future look like, good, bad or is the jury out? Whatever your outlook, you cannot afford to stand and be swept away by inaction. In this episode of ‘I Hate Numbers’ I talk about...