Jan 2, 2020 | Budgeting, Business Start Up Growth, Business Success, Creative Sector, Not For Profit Organisations
Not for Profits In this blog I am going to look at the why Not for Profits doesn’t mean Not for Business. To clarify, businesses are typically classified as Private or Not for Profit . Above all , a Not for Profit Business includes many Art Organisations,...
Oct 6, 2019 | Accountancy, Budgeting, Business Success, Business Support, Creative Sector, Money
Budgets are plans, planning is good, and furthermore budgets are plans with numbers. The budget Every organisation needs sound financial management as part its strategy, finances underpin every aspect of this work. Each activity should be planned and costed,...
Aug 28, 2018 | Business performance, Business Start Up Growth
Firstly lots of people have creative ideas that could potentially turn into a great viable business venture. However not a lot of these actually make it to the next step of actually turning it into a reality. Secondly converting a great idea into a reality is not...