Recording and capturing your numbers

Recording and capturing your numbers

Recording and capturing your numbers is a must do if you want to take your business seriously.   Last week’s podcast looked at the how bookkeeping gives life to your financial and business activities – and helps you make money. In this episode of ‘I Hate Numbers’ I am...
Recording and capturing your numbers

Bookkeeping: Your business words

Today’s episode of I Hate Numbers is about Bookkeeping: Your business words. Travel back to Ancient Mesopotamia, Babylon, Assyria & Sumeria and you will see they have got their bookkeeping & accounting sorted. Documents from ancient Mesopotamia show lists of...
Recording and capturing your numbers


Welcome to today’s episode of I Hate Numbers where we talk about break-even. Making profits is what your business should aim to do. The financial milestone before that is for you to break even. Knowing your break even gives you better business insights, greater...
Recording and capturing your numbers

Knowing your costs makes you money

Welcome to today’s episode of I Hate Numbers.   Knowing your costs makes you money, a statement of the obvious perhaps.  Certainly with statements of the obvious we sometimes forget business basics. In this podcast episode I am going to take a real cool way to look at...
Recording and capturing your numbers

The importance of profit

Welcome to another weekly episode of ‘I Hate Numbers’ where we look at The importance of profit, as well as what it is.  The ‘I Hate Numbers’ podcast wants you to get acquainted with your best business friend.  The friend that won’t lie to you, the friend...