Jun 28, 2020 | Self employed, Sole Trader
What’s it like being self employed? The reality, not the fiction. If you’re thinking of taking the plunge then have a real good think about it! When you are self employed you will at times feel like you’re spinning hundreds of plates on sticks. It can be really...
Jun 21, 2020 | Business Start Up Growth, Self employed, Sole Trader
Most importantly, self employment is a risky business, but what in life is risk free ? Certainly, a great number of individuals dream and think about being self-employed, your own boss, your own path. Many do make that move from dream to action, for most this proves...
Jun 7, 2020 | Money, Tax, Tax Advice
Tax, you can’t avoid it. If you are a business owner tax and your self-employed business is something you consider. If you don’t take tax into account, ‘bites and arses’ will figure somewhere. Today’s blog will talk about the tax and...
May 31, 2020 | Ltd Company
Above all, when setting up a business one of the first considerations you will have to make is whether to operate as a Limited company vs sole trader. At its core, what this means is the distinction between you and your business. To clarify, a limited company...