Calculating cash profits

Calculating cash profits

    Are you a business owner looking to make the switch to cash basis accounting?  The transition can be daunting, but it’s worth it if you want to make the most of your profits.  In this podcast I’ll take a look at how traditional accounting...
Using the cash basis for tax

Using the cash basis for tax

Many small businesses in the UK are Using the cash basis for tax. This is a simple and straightforward way of accounting for your business income and expenses. In this video I’ll explain how to use the cash basis for tax and highlight some of the benefits it...
Self-employed tax returns

Self-employed tax returns

    Self-employed tax returns can be daunting, but they don’t have to be! This weeks I Hate Numbers podcast takes you through how to fill in your self-employed tax return for the year 21-22.  I’ll explain everything you need to know, so you can...
The impact of VAT registration on your business

The impact of VAT registration on your business

    So, what is the impact of VAT registration on your business.  That is what I am looking at in podcast episode 127 of I Hate Numbers.  There will be changes, and in the words of Charles F. Kettering “People are very open-minded about new things, as long...
Measuring your financial performance

Measuring your financial performance

    If you’re a business owner, then Measuring your financial performance, keeping track of it is essential to your success.  But do you know how to measure it?  In this podcast I’ll explain two important metrics for measuring your...