Have you ever thought about whether you’re paying more taxes than you should be? For many people, the thought of dealing with taxes brings up feelings of stress and confusion. Personal allowances, tax codes, multiple income streams – it can all start to feel like a jigsaw puzzle with a few missing pieces. But don’t worry, getting a handle on these concepts isn’t as complicated as it seems. In fact, with the right understanding, you can make sure you’re paying the right amount of tax and keeping more of what you earn.

Personal allowances are meant to reduce the amount of income on which you pay tax, but if you’re not careful, you could end up paying more (or less) than you should. And trust me, neither scenario is ideal.

How personal allowances work and how they impact your tax obligations

To learn more about personal allowances and their impact on your taxes, watch the video below. In it, I break down what personal allowances are, why they’re important, and how they affect your overall tax picture.


In conclusion, taxes don’t have to be overwhelming, especially when you understand how personal allowances work. A good grasp of personal allowances and ensuring your tax code is correct will help you turn tax time into a positive part of your financial routine. You can avoid costly mistakes and keep more of your hard-earned money. 

Stay stress-free during tax season with our software solution Budgetwhizz®. It makes keeping track of your cash flow and financial planning easier. It helps you stay organised so you can focus on what matters to you; the creative work and the impactful change. Take a step away from the chaos with fast setup & easy navigation – numbers just got real…for the better! Get organised & also make sense of it all with Numbers Knowhow® today!