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Covid 19 financial support update
Covid 19 financial support update, above all it's vital to know if you run a business, whatever shape or form that is. Most importantly, look at your numbers. Certainly numbers are your business best friend; they won’t lie to you. Do your cash flow first, this will...
COVID 19 – Business cash flow
You may have escaped hearing about COVID 19, and the affect on individuals and business – if you were living on Mars. In this blog we look at COVID 19 - Business cash flow. What is clear cut is that your businesses, are in the eye of a financial shit storm. It...
Gross Profit and Net Profit
Gross and Net Profit In our last blog we looked at profit and saw that it is more Important than Sales. This week we will go one step further and look at two types of profit, Gross profit and Net Profit. These are profits you would typically encounter in your...
Profit-important as sales
One of the main reasons that businesses go under is because of the confusion between cash and profit. Which is more important? What really keeps the business going? Well, Profit is More Important than Sales Here’s an easy way to look at it. Serena decides to sell...
Knowing your costs make you money!
Above all, knowing your costs makes you money, a statement of the bleeding obvious perhaps. The thing with statements of the obvious is we sometimes forget the business basics. Certainly, you need to be serious about making money in your business, by money we mean...
Business plan: Final steps
Business plan: Final steps This blog looks at your Business plan:Final steps. Above all, it follows on from our previous blog where we mapped out the initial stages. Management To clarify, people reading your business plan need to be given an idea of why they should...