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Your business numbers
Firstly, what's your view of your business numbers - Friend or foe? Secondly, if you are in business, how do you think of your numbers, with love, with dislike, or somewhere In between? That is what we are going to look at in this blog. . If you think that money is...
Coronavirus furlough grant claim
The first Coronavirus furlough grant claim portal went live on Monday 20 April 2020. What does that mean for your business. Well, it means that if you have furloughed staff, you can claim that much needed grant money. We have submitted Furlough claims for all our...
Coronavirus employer grant claim
The first Coronavirus employer grant claim portal went live on Monday 20 April 2020. This has been updated as of 31-Oct-2020 to reflect the fact that the November 2020 Furlough scheme will be in line with this. We've updated this article to reflect the new scheme. ...
Your business cash story
Firstly, your business cash story is a big deal. Secondly, it’s a big deal for business continuity, survival, and growth. This requires cash. Profits are what it’s ultimately about, but cash makes sure you get to do it. Sales are vanity, profits are sanity, cash is...
Calm amid the business storm
Today's blog is about how to achieve calm amid the business storm. The business storm is due to the current Covid 19 situation, it could be something else. Firstly although it's worrying uncertain times at the moment, however like with all bad situations there will...
Furloughing and Covid 19 money
This article on Furloughing and COVID 19 money was updated on 31-Oct-2020. Most importantly, furloughing is there to help those employers maintain a workforce. So, let's kick off with the meaning of furlough. A furlough is a temporary leave of employees due to...