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How to set SMART targets

How to set SMART targets

How to set SMART targets helps is this week’s vlog. Feeling overwhelmed by your business goals? SMART targets can help you break down your goal into manageable chunks that are both realistic and achievable. You'll be able to track your progress along the way and make...

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Achieving success in your business

Achieving success in your business

Feeling like you're not achieving success in your business? You're not alone. Most people feel this way at some point in their lives. But don't worry, I can help. I will share with you some tips and examples of how you can achieve success. Once you've learned what...

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The financial power of product grouping

The financial power of product grouping

Wondering how The financial power of product grouping gets you more financial understanding in your business? By looking at your business in terms of product groups, you can gain powerful insights into where your money is coming from and where it’s going. This...

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Five key numbers for pricing for profit

Five key numbers for pricing for profit

There are Five key numbers for pricing for profit Pricing for profit Wondering how to price your products or services so you can make a profit? You're not alone. Figuring out the right price is one of the biggest challenges business owners face. That's why it's...

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Money Saving tips

Money Saving tips

Learn more about five Money Saving tips. Quick wins, straightforward to implement and access. Learn more your tax entitlements and generate funds Marriage allowance Married or civil partnership, it’s all about the love, but also some tax savings to be had.  You can...

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Preparing your tax return

Preparing your tax return

Preparing your tax return is a must for millions of taxpayers.  Moreover, do you know why? In this video I'm going to Firstly show you who needs to complete a personal tax return Secondly, the key information that you need to include, Thirdly, some costs you can claim...

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