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Changing your Money Mindset
You've probably heard the saying, "Money can't buy happiness." And while it's true that having money doesn't guarantee a good life, it's also true that not having money can make life pretty difficult. So how do you manage your finances and live a good life? The answer...
Why kindness is good for your business
We all know that being kind is good for our personal well being. But did you know that kindness can also be good for business? That’s right – being kind at work can lead to increased productivity, lower turnover rates, and a host of other benefits for your company....
Dealing with money and relationships
Dealing with money and relationships is not a topic that is often discussed. Moreover, money is one of the biggest sources of stress in a relationship. But it doesn't have to be that way! You can learn how to deal with money and relationships and be happier. I'm...
Setting the right business targets
Setting the right business targets can seem daunting, but it need not be. This vlog will help you to choose the right targets for your business, and provides tips on how to reach them. So, whether you're just starting out, or looking to take your business to the next...
How to set SMART targets
How to set SMART targets helps is this week’s vlog. Feeling overwhelmed by your business goals? SMART targets can help you break down your goal into manageable chunks that are both realistic and achievable. You'll be able to track your progress along the way and make...
Achieving success in your business
Feeling like you're not achieving success in your business? You're not alone. Most people feel this way at some point in their lives. But don't worry, I can help. I will share with you some tips and examples of how you can achieve success. Once you've learned what...