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How to develop and use a risk register

How to develop and use a risk register

How to develop and use a risk register  is this weeks topic on I Hate Numbers.  Are you a business owner or entrepreneur who is looking for ways to protect yourself and your business? If so, then you need to know about risk registers. A risk register is a tool that...

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How to manage your Business Risk

How to manage your Business Risk

No matter what kind of business you run, you need to know How to manage your Business Risk. Running your business will always have some inherent risk involved. There's no way to completely eliminate the risk, but by understanding and managing it, you can minimise its...

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Tips on using your Financial Plan

Tips on using your Financial Plan

Four tips to using your Financial Plan is this weeks topic on I Hate Numbers.  Creating and following a financial plan, your financial story is an important step to taking control of your finances. In this vlog, I'll share four tips on how to effectively use your...

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How to Write a Financial Plan

How to Write a Financial Plan

How to Write a Financial Plan for Your Business is this weeks topic.  Are you a business owner who is looking to create a Financial Plan for your company? If so, you're in luck! In this video I will be teaching you how to write a business financial plan that is both...

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How to budget your money

How to budget your money

How to budget your money is vital when times are challenging, and when times are good.  A budget is a plan for how you will spend your money. It can help you save money and make better financial decisions. Creating a budget can seem like a hard task, but it doesn't...

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Five Ways to Change your Money Mindset

Five Ways to Change your Money Mindset

Change your Money Mindset if you want to handle your finances better. If you have a negative money mindset, you’ll feel like you never have enough money and won’t make sure you save money for future goals. You’ll have a scarcity mindset, leave yourself in debt and be...

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