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The power in customer lifetime value
What is the is a power in customer life time value. Using numbers in the right way in your business is a powerful way to Firstly, give you insight Secondly, make great decisions Thirdly, reduce anxiety Also, to provide clarity More importantly help you make money, be...
How to calculate customer lifetime value
Have you ever wondered how to calculate customer lifetime value? Or what it even is? Above all CLV, as it is often called, measures how much a customer is worth to your business over the course of their relationship with you. Most importantly it considers all of the...
What changes when you become VAT registered
If you're a business owner, it's important to understand What changes when you. In this video, we look at what happens when you become VAT registered, and how it changes you and your business. So, What changes when you become VAT registered? Firstly, your mindset...
How to use Financial Ratio Analysis
How to use Financial Ratio Analysis is part of your Numbers tool kit. This is part of the tool kit used, the key ratios used by business owners, analysts, and investors. In this vlog I cover the four common areas used in financial ratio analysis, Firstly,...
Know your numbers and financial ratios
Know your numbers. Numbers are everywhere, and for the most part we just ignore them. As a result unless we're forced to pay attention to them when it comes time to do our taxes or budget for the month, numbers don’t seem interesting. Except they are if you become...
How to judge your financial performance
Knowing how to judge your financial performance can be tricky. Many factors come into play, and it's not always easy to know where you stand. In the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.” However, by...