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How to survive a recession and prosper
As we all know, the economy is not doing so well, but I want to show you How to survive a recession and prosper There are things you can do to survive a recession and even prosper! In this blog post, I will share with you some tips on how to make it through these...
Using the cash basis for tax
Many small businesses in the UK are Using the cash basis for tax. This is a simple and straightforward way of accounting for your business income and expenses. In this video I'll explain how to use the cash basis for tax and highlight some of the benefits it offers. ...
Completing your self employed tax return 21-22
Completing your self employed tax return 21-22 can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. This video, part 2 of 2, follows on from last week. The process is broken down, so you can ensure that you're getting the most out of your tax return. Whether you're a first...
How to prepare your tax return 21-22
How to prepare your tax return 21-22 may not get the pulse racing. For some it may cause anxiety, apoplexy and poking eyes with sticks may come to mind. However, if you are one of the 10.2 million + people that must complete a self-assessment tax return it’s a...
Decision making under uncertainty
In business, it's essential to make decisions quickly and efficiently. However, Decision making when things are calm is not the same as Decision making under uncertainty. In this video, I go through the the steps you need to take to make rational decisions when...
The cost of business crisis
Businesses are facing a cost of business crisis. This affects millions of business owners in the UK and around the world. Not in a good way. This is a crisis that's under reported, not widely discussed and very little financial support. However, it's something that...