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Understanding assets and liabilities
One of the most important aspects of a business is understanding its business assets and liabilities. Assets are what a company owns and can use to generate income, while liabilities are amounts the company owes to others. In order for your business to be successful,...
Understanding gross profit
Business owners, Understanding gross profit should be on your list of need to know . Gross profit is one of the most important financial measures, this video will Firstly, explain what it is Secondly, tell you how to calculate it Thirdly, contrast mark up and margin...
Understanding operating profit
Understanding operating profits helps you make better and informed business decisions. If you are serious about business, then it's important to understand key financial concepts like operating profit. Small businesses, arts organisations and social enterprises can...
Financial planning and mental health
Financial planning and mental health, there’s a link and it’s a positive one. In this video, I look at three reasons why financial planning is good for your mental health. When you have a plan and know where your money is going, it gives you a sense of control and...
Break-even explained
For many businesses, break-even is a critical milestone. It can be a make-or-break point for small businesses and signifies the point at which revenue from operations equals total costs. But what does break-even mean? And how do you achieve it? This weeks video...
What is operational gearing
Operational gearing is an important tool for business owners and entrepreneurs. It's a measure of how much profits are being generated by the company's day-to-day operations, as opposed to its investments. In other words, it can tell you how lean your business is...