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Have you heard of cost plus pricing?  Furthermore, do you know how to price your services and products? It can be tricky, especially when you’re new to the game. One pricing method that can help is cost-plus pricing. In this post, we’ll take a look at what cost-plus pricing is, how it works, and some of its benefits and drawbacks. So whether you’re just starting out or are looking for a different way to price your services, watch to find out more!

Good to know and Conclusion

Cost plus pricing is a great way to ensure you’re making a profit on your products. Firstly, by knowing what it costs you to produce each product and adding in a percentage for overhead and profit.  Furthermore, you can be sure that no matter what the market does, you’ll still make money.

There are some drawbacks to this type of pricing, but as long as you’re aware of them and plan for them, they shouldn’t cause too many problems.

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Pricing is part of any future financial plan. Check out our financial story telling platform, Numbers Know How.  Contact me if you want more 1-2-1 support putting your business financial story together

To help you on your way, subscribe to my I Hate Numbers You Tube channel for more tips and advice to make your business more profitable and enjoyable.

Are you ready to have an easier and more rewarding relationship with your numbers? My book, I Hate Numbers helps you get there. This book is based on my 27 + years in business, helping thousands of businesses survive and prosper. It is an easy, humorous but serious read about running a business, having a financially rewarding relationship with your numbers, Furthermore, my book will help with that battle between the ears, that all business owners experience. If you’re looking for guidance on how to better understand your financials or need some inspiration to change the way you think about money – buy my book I Hate Numbers today!

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