May 21, 2019 | Accountancy, Business Support, Money, Property Tax, Services, Tax, Tax Advice
Firstly, property is a business. Secondly, run it as one, because it is not just an investment. There is money to be made in property. Therefore before money starts rolling in there’s lots to think about, including: Tax return- do you need one? Decide whether...
May 14, 2019 | Accountancy, Bookkeeping and Payroll, Budgeting, Business performance, Business Start Up Growth, Business Support, Creative Sector, Marketing, Money, Not For Profit Organisations, Services, Tax
Business budgeting for success needs the solid foundations of sound financial management built into its overall strategy. For that reason finances should underpin every aspect of its work. Plan and cost your activities, so your resources are properly considered....
Mar 18, 2019 | Accountancy, Bookkeeping and Payroll, Business Support, Cloud accounting Business growth, Services, Tax, Xero
Ready for Making Tax Digital ? There has been a lot of news and noise about Making Tax Digital (MTD). The purpose of this short blog is to remind you of the key points about MTD, which becomes live on 01-Apr-19. Making Tax Digital MTD is compulsory if you’re VAT...
Feb 18, 2019 | Bookkeeping and Payroll, Tax, Tax Advice
Prepare for Making Tax Digital -MTD, of 01-April-19 will soon be upon us. HMRC have started sending out nudge letters to VAT registered businesses. We have already registered our own clients with HMRC and migrated them over to our preferred platform of choice, Xero. ...
Feb 11, 2019 | Accountancy, Business Support, Money, Property Tax, Tax, Tax Advice
Property & Tax Five points Property Investors should take onboard when it comes to property and tax. 1 Consider the type of property and time frame of the investment, short term or long term. Property will either be commercial and/or residential property....
Dec 18, 2018 | Sole Trader, Tax, Tax Advice
Tax Return’s Firstly there’s three key tips in for you to consider if you haven’t filed your Tax Return yet. More importantly the clock is ticking, the 31-Jan-22 is D-Day, and if late penalties will apply, even if no tax is owed. We’re in full swing...