Dec 8, 2019 | Artists, Creative Sector, Not For Profit Organisations, Tax, Tax Advice
Artists tax: Averaging Relief Artists Tax- Averaging Relief is designed to help artists who have significant fluctuating income from one year to the next. The tax consequence of this fluctuating income could be no tax to pay when profits are low, followed by paying...
Dec 1, 2019 | Accountancy, Money, Tax, Tax Advice
Tax Return: Dates and payments To clarify, the two previous blogs have looked at who must prepare a personal tax return, and what can be claimed. Your personal tax return includes details of your income and capital transactions. Our focus today is 2020-21, 6th of...
Nov 30, 2019 | Accountancy, CIS, Money, Services, Tax, Tax Advice
To clarify, making the correct Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) deductions is one of the schemes conditions. So, are you doing it correctly? Firstly are you working in construction? Secondly are you a contractor, subbie, advisor, all of those? If so this article...
Nov 25, 2019 | Expenses, Money, Services, Tax, Tax Advice
Personal Tax: What expenses can we claim? Today, we will tell you what expense claims can be made for your Personal Tax Return. Previously we talked about that, pencil in the aorta time, tax return season. I get loads of clients saying, Mahmood, we’re putting our...
Nov 18, 2019 | Accountancy, Money, Self Assessment, Services, Tax, Tax Advice
Firstly, Personal Tax return season (Self Assessment) 2019-20 finishes on 31st January 2021. Secondly, you may have done yours, so relax, but if you’ve not read on. I’ll start by looking at the first steps and then proceed from there. Some important...
Sep 22, 2019 | Accountancy, Bookkeeping and Payroll, Business Success, Money, Services, Tax, VAT
Value Added Tax (VAT) registration, doing it sooner and being an unpaid tax collector seems crazy. It looks complicated, not to mention time-consuming. However, with the right help and guidance, VAT registration, operating it and invoicing are straight-forward and...