Feb 15, 2025 | Accountancy, Self Assessment, Self employed, Sole Trader
Starting a business as a sole trader means lots of decisions to make and stuff to do. One of the first questions is whether to run the business as a sole trader to set up a partnership with others or whether to form a company How you operate your business determines...
Dec 3, 2023 | Budgeting, Money, Self Assessment, Tax, Tax Advice
If you’re a parent in the UK, you might be familiar with Child Benefit. It’s a helpful allowance provided to those responsible for raising a child. However, something called the High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC) goes hand in hand with it. Financial aid...
Nov 19, 2023 | Budgeting, Self Assessment, Tax, Tax Advice
Are you part of the digital gig economy? Do you work on Upwork or Fiverr? Maybe you host on AirBnB. Major tax policy changes are underway in this segment. And I’m here to let you know exactly what so that you are prepared. Watch this video about the upcoming tax...
Jan 1, 2023 | Self Assessment
Five mistakes to avoid on your UK tax return is this weeks short video. Are you dreading your UK tax return for 21-22, and want to avoid making mistakes and facing penalties? Have no fear, I Hate Numbers is here to guide you through the process, and help you avoid...
Sep 18, 2022 | Self Assessment, Self employed, Sole Trader
Many small businesses in the UK are Using the cash basis for tax. This is a simple and straightforward way of accounting for your business income and expenses. In this video I’ll explain how to use the cash basis for tax and highlight some of the benefits it...
Sep 11, 2022 | Self Assessment, Self employed, Tax, Tax Advice
Completing your self employed tax return 21-22 can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. This video, part 2 of 2, follows on from last week. The process is broken down, so you can ensure that you’re getting the most out of your tax return. Whether...