Dec 26, 2021 | Business Start Up Growth, Business Success, management accounting
BREATHING leads to business success. Do you want to know what it takes to be successful in your business? If so, then I’ve got something for you. In this video, I’m going to outline the ingredients that will help you achieve success in your own business....
Aug 1, 2021 | Business planning, Business Start Up Growth, Business Success, management accounting
Why cash is important for your business is this week’s topic. In previous videos I’ve looked at turnover and profitability, but this time cash is in the spotlight. I will look at Why cash it is the key financial number in your business. What cash is Why...
Jul 11, 2021 | Business Start Up Growth, Business Success, Ltd Company, Money, Self employed
How to deal with the risks of self-employment Risks are all around us, dealing with the risks of self-employment is no different. Are you working for yourself, are you thinking about becoming self-employed, and want to know how? As with any change in life there are...
May 30, 2021 | Artists, Business Success, Ltd Company, Money, Self employed, Tax, Tax Advice
How you should complete W-8 forms is a must if you do business with the US. It’s also a must if have investments in the US or earn income in the US. For example, you tubers, sole traders, UK resident companies, Individual taxpayers, will all come under these rules....
May 23, 2021 | Budgeting, Business Success, Cashflow and lockdown, Cloud Accounting, Credit control, management accounting, Money, Xero
In this short vlog-blog I am going to share Five tips on how to manage your cashflow, Why your business needs cash Firstly what is cash? In other words what gets paid into your bank account, it’s factual, and is the lifeblood of your business. Secondly, why do we...
Feb 1, 2021 | Accountancy, Budgeting, Business Success, Profit
What is profit? There are several important elements that make up your business story, some more important than, some less important than others. However, I think it would be safe to say that ‘profit’ is one of if not the most important element. Without profit where...