Profit & your business

Profit & your business

What is profit? There are several important elements that make up your business story, some more important than, some less important than others. However, I think it would be safe to say that ‘profit’ is one of if not the most important element. Without profit where...
Information & business resilience

Information & business resilience

How information improves your business resilience follows on from last weeks blog.  Organisations value information, and the quality of it.  It feeds into your decision-making. However it’s not just about financial transactions, it’s about much more stuff...
Business resolutions for 2021

Business resolutions for 2021

So, it’s the end of another year- albeit a very strange one to say the least. With this in mind what are your business resolutions for 2021? What most of us do at the end of the year, is reflect and review that year. The whole of the U.K. will probably be glad to see...
Objectives & goals for business

Objectives & goals for business

Your business plan is nothing without your objectives and goals for your business. Firstly, as a general rule, it’s good to have objectives and goals in your life. Secondly, it’s crucial to have them for your business. They will help it run smoothly and ensure a focus...