Oct 9, 2022 | Business performance, Business planning, Business Success
For many businesses, break-even is a critical milestone. It can be a make-or-break point for small businesses and signifies the point at which revenue from operations equals total costs. But what does break-even mean? And how do you achieve it? This weeks video...
Oct 2, 2022 | Business performance
Operational gearing is an important tool for business owners and entrepreneurs. It’s a measure of how much profits are being generated by the company’s day-to-day operations, as opposed to its investments. In other words, it can tell you how lean your...
Sep 25, 2022 | Business performance, Business planning
As we all know, the economy is not doing so well, but I want to show you How to survive a recession and prosper There are things you can do to survive a recession and even prosper! In this blog post, I will share with you some tips on how to make it through these...
Aug 14, 2022 | Business performance, KPI's
What is the is a power in customer life time value. Using numbers in the right way in your business is a powerful way to Firstly, give you insight Secondly, make great decisions Thirdly, reduce anxiety Also, to provide clarity More importantly help you make money, be...
Aug 7, 2022 | Business performance, KPI's
Have you ever wondered how to calculate customer lifetime value? Or what it even is? Above all CLV, as it is often called, measures how much a customer is worth to your business over the course of their relationship with you. Most importantly it considers all of the...
Jul 24, 2022 | Business performance
How to use Financial Ratio Analysis is part of your Numbers tool kit. This is part of the tool kit used, the key ratios used by business owners, analysts, and investors. In this vlog I cover the four common areas used in financial ratio analysis, Firstly,...