Oct 17, 2021 | Business performance, Business planning, management accounting
Pricing using Target Costing is this weeks video-blog theme. Costs are reduced by as much as 25% to 30% under target costing, compared to traditional cost plus pricing. Above all your focus is on understanding and knowing your market conditions from day one. This...
Jul 18, 2021 | Budgeting, Business performance, management accounting, Self employed
My question to answer today is What turnover means in business. It doesn’t help you that there are different terms for turnover, for example revenue, sales, and takings. In this short blog-vlog I will Tell you what turnover is How to calculate it Why turnover is...
May 16, 2021 | Accountancy, Budgeting, Business performance, Business planning, Cashflow and lockdown, management accounting, Money, Profit, Self employed
Do you know What is the difference between cash and profit ? The majority of the time, people think that businesses only need to be profitable for them to last. But even the most profitable businesses go under, and often for a single reason. It’s because the people...
Feb 14, 2021 | Business performance, Business Support
Most importantly you need to understand the components involved with business activity and breaking even. But how do you find out what your business requires to break even? What’s break even? To clarify your business breaks even when your sales cover all your...
Jan 17, 2021 | Business performance, Business Success
How information improves your business resilience follows on from last weeks blog. Organisations value information, and the quality of it. It feeds into your decision-making. However it’s not just about financial transactions, it’s about much more stuff...
Oct 4, 2020 | Business performance, Business planning
Planning is good for business, remember if you want your business to be successful get to grips with it. Don’t think “Oh no!” and glaze your eyes over. You really do need to plan,so read on It’s good for business We all know how 2020 has been...