Jul 15, 2019 | Accountancy, Business Start Up Growth, Business Support, Cloud accounting Business growth, Creative Sector, Marketing, Money, Not For Profit Organisations, Services, Xero
Business growth Firstly business growth stories tell you: Your profitability What things cost Information on Controlling & managing cash Planning Returns and Information for the Tax authorities, sending in VAT and Tax returns Telling your business story mainly...
Jul 8, 2019 | Accountancy, Business performance, Management Accounting, Money
I often get asked, What is Management Accounting ? Great question, Management accounting is about is using accounting and business information. It’s about making informed business decisions more efficiently, and more immediately. Financial accounting This tells...
Jul 1, 2019 | Accountancy, Business Start Up Growth, Business Support, Marketing, Not For Profit Organisations
Your business plan plays a vital part in getting business success. Furthermore it not only helps you navigate an uncertain business landscape it can help reduce the risk of it all going wrong. First of all planning is a mindset approach to your business. It captures...
Jun 24, 2019 | Accountancy, Business Support, Money, Tax, Tax Advice
Salary, dividends & benefits Salary, dividends & benefits and how to pay yourself. We will throw some numbers in to show the financial difference. Furthermore we will be looking at other options that can really ramp up the savings. Company owners and directors...
Jun 17, 2019 | Accountancy, Bookkeeping and Payroll, Money, Tax, Tax Advice, VAT
VAT- What is it? It is a tax on sales, not profit. It is a multi-stage tax, charged at each stage of the business cycle on the “value added” at that stage. Most importantly the basic principle is that it is actually paid by the non-VAT registered customer. It It is...
Jun 11, 2019 | Accountancy, Tax, Tax Advice
A guide to filing your tax return Firstly, being an early bird can really help reduce your stress levels. It will give you more time to just get on with your business and your life. Secondly, we have put together a short guide if you want to complete your own....