Oct 27, 2019 | Accountancy, Cloud accounting Business growth, Xero
Xero is a powerful Business Information System, and not just a record keeping system. Every business, however big or small you are, should know some essential things about their business. Xero is a Cloud Accounting system, it is our platform of choice, not...
Oct 6, 2019 | Accountancy, Budgeting, Business Success, Business Support, Creative Sector, Money
Budgets are plans, planning is good, and furthermore budgets are plans with numbers. The budget Every organisation needs sound financial management as part its strategy, finances underpin every aspect of this work. Each activity should be planned and costed,...
Sep 29, 2019 | Accountancy, Budgeting, Business performance, Business Start Up Growth, Creative Sector, Money
Firstly, the art of budgeting is quite complex. A budget is a plan expressed in money. It tells your future story in monetary terms. Secondly, budgeting is one of the most powerful business and management tools around. It plays a key part in planning, control, and...
Sep 22, 2019 | Accountancy, Bookkeeping and Payroll, Business Success, Money, Services, Tax, VAT
Value Added Tax (VAT) registration, doing it sooner and being an unpaid tax collector seems crazy. It looks complicated, not to mention time-consuming. However, with the right help and guidance, VAT registration, operating it and invoicing are straight-forward and...
Sep 15, 2019 | Accountancy, Bookkeeping and Payroll, Business Start Up Growth, Business Success, Business Support, Cloud accounting Business growth, Management Accounting, Money, Services
The importance of record keeping In this blog and video we look at Why record keeping is key to your success . Bookkeeping, or keeping financial records is vital. More importantly you need to know what you are spending. You need to know where your money’s coming...
Sep 8, 2019 | Budgeting, Business Start Up Growth, Business Success, Credit control, Management Accounting, Marketing, Money
Making money is what business must do! Most importantly, where we say business, we mean private or not for profit. Likewise when we say money, we mean profit. Furthermore, don’t dismiss: • How you make that money • What your business values are • The amount of...