Cash flow forecasting might sound like a big deal, but it is really not. It is just about making sure you know how much money is coming in and going out of your business. If you get it right, you can avoid running out of money and be ready for anything. So, that’s where my cash flow forecasting tips come in.
Cash flow forecasting tips for your business
I thought that structuring the advice I’d like to give as cash flow forecasting tips for any small business owner is a good idea. Packing it in a 7-minute video so it’s not overwhelming will hopefully get you to watch it all and take notes. The video has eight tips that are easy to follow and can help you plan your finances better.
Tip 1
For starters, you need to understand the future of your business. This means having a clear idea of where you want to go.
Tip 2
Then, make sure you know how to estimate cash flow, profits, and losses. This will give you a good picture of your finances.
The rest of my cash flow forecasting tips
Find them all in the video below. Take a few minutes today to get started. Your financial future will thank you.
So, there you have it. My 8 cash flow forecasting tips. If you follow them, you will be a pro at cash flow forecasting in no time.
Manage cash flow with Budgetwhizz
When I talked about my 8th tip, I had our software solution Budgetwhizz® in mind. It makes keeping track of your cash flow and financial planning easier. It helps you stay organised so you can focus on what matters to you; the creative work and the impactful change. Take a step away from the chaos with fast setup & easy navigation – numbers just got real…for the better! Get organised & make sense of it all with Numbers Knowhow® today!